News & Alerts

Proposed changes to Responsible Investment Identification Framework: comments received and updated proposal

Toronto, May 31st 2024 – The Canadian Investment Funds Standards Committee (CIFSC) thanks commentors for their time in reviewing the revised Responsible Investment Identification Framework. The Committee received comments from the Investment Funds Institute of Canada which includes collective input from ESG specialists within Canada’s largest asset […]


Category Revision Proposal; issue for comment

The CIFSC continuously monitors and analyses the categorization of funds, the current category definitions and structures, as well as any new and developing trends in the investment funds industry. As a result of the most recent review the committee is publishing, for a 30-day comment period, a […]


Category Change Announcement

The CIFSC continually monitors and analyses the categorization of funds, the current category definitions and structures, as well as any new and developing trends in the investment funds industry. The purpose of the review is to ensure the logical, consistent categorization of investment funds and to maximize […]


CIFSC Completes Quarterly Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to December 31st, 2023 and will be reflected in the release of March 2024 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here.


Proposed Changes to Responsible Investment identification framework

The Canadian Investment Funds Standards Committee seeks comments on proposed changes to the Responsible Investment identification framework. Given the rapid pace of changes to responsible, sustainable, or more broadly ESG investment funds from a regulatory and identification standpoint, the CIFSC proposes to modify language of the existing […]


Category Change Announcement

The CIFSC continuously monitors and analyses the categorization of funds, the current category definitions and structures, as well as any new and developing trends in the investment funds industry. On November 1st, 2023, the committee submitted a proposal to create new US Dividend & Income Equity and […]


US and Global Dividend & Income Equity Categories Proposal; Comments Received

The Canadian Investment Fund Standards Committee (CIFSC) would like to thank industry stakeholders for their valued input on the proposed categories. We respectfully respond to comments in the sections here.


Category Change Proposal; issue for comment

The CIFSC continuously monitors and analyses the categorization of funds, the current category definitions and structures, as well as any new and developing trends in the investment funds industry. As a result of the most recent review the committee is publishing, for a 30 day comment period, […]


CIFSC Completes Quarterly Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to June 30th, 2023 and will be reflected in the release of September 2023 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here.


CIFSC Completes Quarterly Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to March 31st, 2023 and will be reflected in the release of July 2023 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here.


Category Change Announcement

The CIFSC continually monitors and analyses the categorization of funds, the current category definitions and structures, as well as any new and developing trends in the investment funds industry. The purpose of the review is to ensure the logical, consistent categorization of investment funds and to maximize […]


CIFSC Responsible Investment Identification Framework

TORONTO, CANADA (January 31, 2023) – The Canadian Investment Funds Standards Committee (CIFSC) formally publishes its Responsible Investment (RI) Identification Framework and initial list of identified investment funds. This initial list of funds reflects feedback and ongoing communications with fund manufacturers and is expected to change as […]


CIFSC Announces Danielle LeClair as new Chair

CIFSC Announces Danielle LeClair as new Chair TORONTO, January 4, 2023 – The Canadian Investment Funds Standards Committee announced today that Danielle LeClair (Director of Manager Research, Morningstar Canada) will assume the Chair position at the Canadian Investment Funds Standards Committee, effective immediately. The CIFSC is the […]


CIFSC Completes Quarterly Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to September 30th, 2022 and will be reflected in the release of November 2022 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here.


CIFSC Responsible Investment Identification Feedback Period & Other Changes

The Canadian Investment Funds Standards Committee has identified an inaugural set of investment funds from Canadian-domiciled fund manufacturers that use one or more of the investment approaches outlined in the CIFSC RI Identification framework. Today, the Committee encourages fund providers to review their own respective funds on […]


Multi-Sector Fixed Income Category Proposal | Comments Received

The Canadian Investment Fund Standards Committee (CIFSC) would like to thank industry stakeholders for their valued input to the proposed Multi-Sector Bond Category and we respectfully respond to comments. Details of our response is available here. The CIFSC thanks all commenters and will discuss feedback prior to […]


CIFSC Publishes Responsible Investment Identification Framework

TORONTO, (July 5, 2022) – The Canadian Investment Funds Standards Committee (CIFSC) has formally published its Responsible Investment (RI) Identification Framework and response to comments. The CIFSC RI Identification framework was developed in collaboration with Canadian industry stakeholders including research firms, data providers, asset managers, and industry […]


Category Change Proposal; issue for comment

The CIFSC continuously monitors and analyses the categorization of funds, the current category definitions and structures, as well as any new and developing trends in the investment funds industry. As a result of the most recent review the committee is publishing, for a 30 day comment period, […]


CIFSC Completes Quarterly Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to March 31st, 2022 and will be reflected in the release of April 2022 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here.


The Canadian Investment Funds Standards Committee (CIFSC) Requests Comment on a proposed Responsible Investment Identification Framework

TORONTO, (April 13, 2022) – The Canadian Investment Funds Standards Committee (CIFSC) requests comment on an updated proposal of a Responsible Investment Identification Framework. The CIFSC’s goal is to meet the need for an objective, comprehensive list of Canadian responsible investment funds allowing investment fund manufacturers and […]


CIFSC Completes Quarterly Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to December 31st, 2021 and will be reflected in the release of January 2022 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here.


CIFSC Elects Ian Tam as New Chair

The Canadian Investment Funds Standards Committee (CIFSC) is pleased to announce the election of Ian Tam, CFA, Director of Investment Research, Morningstar Canada, as its Chair for the coming year, effective January 1, 2022. In this leadership role, Mr. Tam will be instrumental in guiding the volunteer […]


CIFSC finalizes fund movers for new alternative categories

The CIFSC’s two new Alternative categories are now effective and the committee has finalized the list of funds that will be moved to the new categories. Please click here for the fund list of fund movers.


CIFSC Completes Quarterly Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to September 30th, 2021 and will be reflected in the release of October 2021 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here.


CIFSC updates French category names for Alternative Categories

The CIFSC will be changing the French names for the existing Alternative categories to better align with current translations. The changes will be effective November 30th. Please [click here] to view the list of changes.


Category Change Announcement

After a 60-day comment period the committee voted for, or against implementing proposed category changes [click here for original proposal]. Approved changes will be effective November 30th. Click here for results [link to PDF].


CIFSC Completes Quarterly Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to June 30th, 2021 and will be reflected in the release of July 2021 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here.


Category Change Proposal

Category Review The CIFSC has completed its category review for Q2 2021 and is issuing for comment a set of category proposals. Please click here to view the full proposal. We are extending the comment period until September 15th.


CIFSC Completes Quarterly Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to March 31st, 2021 and will be reflected in the release of April 2021 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here.


CIFSC response to public comments regarding the RI Fund Identification Proposal

On October 7th, 2020 the CIFSC released a proposal to adopt a Responsible Investment Fund Identification Framework followed by a 60-day comment period. The CIFSC is thankful those who put together thoughtful and constructive comments in terms of how the RI fund identification process should be implemented. […]


CIFSC Completes Quarterly Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to December 31st, 2020 and will be reflected in the release of January 2021 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here.


CIFSC Completes Quarterly Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to September 30th, 2020 and will be reflected in the release of October 2020 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here.


The CIFSC proposes to adopt an RI fund identification framework

The Canadian Investment Funds Standards Committee (CIFSC) is proposing to adopt a framework to identify Canadian investment funds that sufficiently practice responsible investing (RI). The CIFSC’s goal is to meet the need for an objective, comprehensive list of Canadian responsible investment funds. The proposed framework is available […]


CIFSC Completes Quarterly Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to June 30th, 2020 and will be reflected in the release of July 2020 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here.


CIFSC Completes Quarterly Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to March 31st, 2020 and will be reflected in the release of April 2020 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here.


CIFSC Completes Quarterly Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to December 31st, 2019 and will be reflected in the release of January 2020 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here.


CIFSC Completes Quarterly Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to September 30th, 2019 and will be reflected in the release of October 2019 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here.


CIFSC Completes Quarterly Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to June 30th, 2019 and will be reflected in the release of July 2019 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here.


CIFSC Completes Quarterly Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to March 31st, 2019 and will be reflected in the release of April 2019 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here.


Alternative Fund Movers

The CIFSC’s new Alternative fund categories are now effective. The committee has completed the classification of Alternative funds according to the new categories. Please click here for the full list of categorizations.


CIFSC Alternative Fund Categories

The CIFSC has formally voted in favour of introducing new categories for Alternative Funds. Please click here for more information regarding effective dates and to view the category definitions.


CIFSC Completes Quarterly Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to December 31st, 2018 and will be reflected in the release of January 2019 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here.


CIFSC Category Review

The CIFSC has completed its category review for Q4 2018 and is issuing for comment a set of category proposals. Please click here to view the full proposal.


CIFSC Completes Quarterly Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to September 30th, 2018 and will be reflected in the release of October 2018 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here.


CIFSC Completes Quarterly Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to June 30th, 2018 and will be reflected in the release of July 2018 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here.


CIFSC Completes Quarterly Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to March 31st, 2018 and will be reflected in the release of April 2018 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here.


CIFSC Releases Final List of Fund Movers

The following is a list of funds that will be moving as a result of the introduction of 3 new categories announced in February (click here for more). To see the full list of movers please click [here]


CIFSC Releases Preliminary List of Fund Movers

The CIFSC officially announced the introduction of three new categories on February 13th (click here for more). The following is a list of funds that will be affected by the changes. The final list of movers will be based on March month-end data, therefor this list is […]


CIFSC Updates Documentation

In light of the recent category changes announced here, the committee has revised the category definitions document and the flow chart to reflect the new categories. These documents will officially replace the current versions on March 31st. CIFSC March 2018 Category Definitions [link to pdf] CIFSC mars […]


CIFSC Announces Category Changes

The CIFSC has completed it’s review of industry feedback and will be proceeding with the following category changes available [here]. The changes will take affect with the release of March month-end data.


CIFSC Completes Quarterly Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to December 31st, 2017 and will be reflected in the release of January 2018 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here.


CIFSC Cateogry Review

The CIFSC has completed its category review for Q4 2017. For a summary of the proposals that were considered and the committee’s comments and decisions, please click here.


CIFSC Completes Quarterly Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to September 30, 2017 and will be reflected in the release of October 2017 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here.


CIFSC Completes Quarterly Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to June 30, 2017 and will be reflected in the release of July 2017 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here.


CIFSC Completes Quarterly Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to March 31st, 2017 and will be reflected in the release of April 2017 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here.


CIFSC Category Review

The CIFSC has completed its category review for Q1 2017. For a summary of the proposals that were considered and the committee’s comments and decisions, please click here.


CIFSC Completes Quarterly Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to December 31st, 2016 and will be reflected in the release of January 2017 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here.


CIFSC Completes Quarterly Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to September 30th, 2016 and will be reflected in the release of October 2016 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here.


CIFSC Completes Quarterly Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to June 30th, 2016 and will be reflected in the release of July 2016 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here.


CIFSC Completes Quarterly Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to April 30th, 2016 and will be reflected in the release of May 2016 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here.


Re: Category Change Proposal – Voting Results

The CIFSC has completed a review of the category alignments in an effort to better and more appropriately categorize funds. The proposals were put up for a 30 day comment period on April 1st, 2016, after which the committee voted on whether or not to proceed with […]


An announcement regarding the Q1 2016 Quarterly Review

The 2016 1st quarter review will be delayed due to a technical error in the quantitative process. The committee members discovered the error during the analyses of the quarterly numbers and steps have been taken to fix the process. Please find the details here.


CIFSC Announces Proposed Category Changes

The CIFSC has completed its annual review of the category schema and is issuing for comment four proposals. The comment periods will end after thirty days, on April 30th. To view the proposal please click (here PDF); to submit comments please use the ‘Contact’ button on the […]


CIFSC Completes Quarter-end Reclassification Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to September 30th, 2015 and will be reflected in the release of October 2015 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here.


Passing of CANNEX Co-Founder & President Alexander Spencer Melvin (1948-2015)

CANNEX Financial Exchanges and the CIFSC regret to announce the passing of long time member and contributor Alex Melvin. Alex was one of the original members of the CIFSC and his valued work with the committee over the years was an integral part in growing and developing […]


CIFSC Completes Quarter-end Reclassification Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to September 30th, 2015 and will be reflected in the release of October 2015 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here.


CIFSC Completes Quarter-end Reclassification Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to June 30th, 2015 and will be reflected in the release of July 2015 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here.


CIFSC releases new category definitions

The CIFSC has updated the category definitions to reflect the new Floating Rate Loans category. Please click here for the updated document.


CIFSC Category Alignment Announcement – Voting Results

The CIFSC has completed a review of the category alignments in an effort to better and more appropriately categorize funds. The proposals were put up for a 30 day comment period on March 31st, 2015 (Available here), after which the committee voted on whether or not to […]


CIFSC Completes Quarter-end Reclassification Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to March 31st, 2015 and will be reflected in the release of April 2015 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here.


CIFSC Responds to Comments

CIFSC Responds to Comments The CIFSC received several comments regarding the new category proposals. The responses to the comments are available here.


CIFSC Announces Proposed Category Changes

As part of the ongoing review of category definitions and schema, the CIFSC is issuing for comment a proposal to introduce three new categories. The comment period will end after thirty days or on April 30th. To view the proposals please click here; to submit comments please […]


CIFSC Completes Quarter-end Reclassification Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to December 31st, 2014 and will be reflected in the release of January 2015 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click Here.


CIFSC Announces Committee Chair for 2015

The Canadian Investment Funds Standards Committee (CIFSC) has elected Reid Baker, Manager, Analytics and Data Fundata Canada Inc. as its Chair for the coming year, effective January 1, 2015. To see the press release, please click here.


CIFSC Completes Quarter-end Reclassification Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to September 30th, 2014 and will be reflected in the release of October 2014 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here.


CIFSC Completes Quarter-end Reclassification Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to June 30th, 2014 and will be reflected in the release of July 2014 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here.

CIFSC Completes Quarter-end Reclassification Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to March 31st, 2014 and will be reflected in the release of April 2014 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here.

CIFSC Announces Share Class Categorization Initiative

In March 2014 the CIFSC voted to proceed with the share class categorization process. The purpose being to help users navigate the heterogeneous share class monikers used by Canadian investment fund companies. Data collection is the first phase in the process and will begin shortly and continue […]

CIFSC Revises Category Definitions and Category Flow Chart Documents

The CIFSC has issued new documents reflecting the recent changes to the category schema, effective with the release of March month-end data. The revised Retail Investment Fund Category Definitions is available here, and the revised Retail Investment Fund Category Flow Chart is available here. The website will […]

CIFSC Category Alignments Announcement

The CIFSC has completed a review of the category alignments in an effort to better and more appropriately categorize funds. The proposals were put up for a 30 day comment period on December 30th, 2013 (available here) , after which the committee voted on whether or not […]

CIFSC Completes Quarter-end Reclassification Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to December 31th, 2013 and will be reflected in the release of January 2014 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here

CIFSC Announces Committee Chair for 2014

The Canadian Investment Funds Standards Committee (CIFSC) has elected Reid Baker, Manager, Analytics and Data Fundata Canada Inc. as its Chair for the coming year, effective January 1, 2014. To see the press release, please click here

CIFSC Announces Category Alignment Proposal

The CIFSC has completed a review of the current category structure in an effort to better and a more appropriately categorize funds. All decisions are up for comment until January 30th at which time the committee will make a final decision on whether or not to proceed […]

CIFSC Completes Quarter-end Reclassification Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to September 30th, 2013 and will be reflected in the release of October 2013 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here

CIFSC Completes Quarter-end Reclassification Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to June 30th, 2013 and will be reflected in the release of July 2013 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here

CIFSC Completes Quarter-end Reclassification Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to March 31st, 2013 and will be reflected in the release of April 2013 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here

CIFSC Revises Category Definitions and Category Flow Chart Documents

The CIFSC has revised the category definitions document as well as the category flow chart document to reflect the category changes that will be going into effect on April 1, 2013. To view the revised documents please click CIFSC Category Definitions 2013 or CIFSC 2013 Category Flow […]

CIFSC Completes Quarter-end Reclassification Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to December 31st, 2012 and will be reflected in the release of January 2013 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here

CIFSC announces Committee Chair for 2013

The Canadian Investment Funds Standards Committee (CIFSC) has elected Brian Bridger, Director, Analytics and Data at Fundata Canada Inc. as its Chair for the coming year, effective January 1, 2013. To see the press release, please click here

CIFSC Category Alignments Announcement

The CIFSC has completed a review of the current category structure in an effort to better and a more appropriately categorize funds. All decisions are up for comment until January 30th at which time the committee will make a final decision on whether or not to proceed […]

CIFSC Completes Quarter-end Reclassification Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to September 30th, 2012 and will be reflected in the release of October 2012 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here

CIFSC Completes Quarter-end Reclassification Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to June 30st, 2012 and will be reflected in the release of July 2012 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here

CIFSC Revises Category Definitions Document

The CIFSC has revised the category definitions document pertaining to the section regarding Sector Classifications. To review or print the revised version of the document, please click here

CIFSC Completes Quarter-end Reclassification Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to March 31st, 2012 and will be reflected in the release of April 2012 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here

CIFSC Announces changes to Policies and Procedures

The CIFSC has made changes to the Policies and Procedures regarding the process for category changes under Section A / Part 1 / 1.2 / point 7. The new procedures will take effect immediately. The new Policies and Procedures document is available here

CIFSC Completes Quarter-end Reclassification Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to December 31st, 2011 and will be reflected in the release of Jan 2012 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here

CIFSC announces Committee Chair for 2012

The Canadian Investment Funds Standards Committee (CIFSC) has re-elected Reid Baker, Senior Analyst, Investment Analytics and Research at Fundata Canada, as its Chair effective Jan 1, 2012. To see the press release, please click here

CIFSC Completes Quarter-end Reclassification Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data as of Sepemtember 30th, 2011 and will be reflected in the release of Oct 2011 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here

2011 Category Changes Announcement

Please be advised of the following category changes resulting from the Canadian Investment Funds Standards Committee’s decision to remove the Science and Technology Equity category. The Changes are based on data up to July 31st, 2011 and will be reflected in the release of August 2011 month-end […]

2011 Category Revisions

The Canadian Investment Funds Standards Committee (CIFSC) has completed a review of the Science & Technology Equity category and has made the decision to remove the category. For more information, please click here

CIFSC Completes Quarter-end Reclassification Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data as of June 30st, 2011 and will be reflected in the release of July 2011 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here

2011 Category Changes Announcement

The CIFSC has reviewed the category schema and will be making the following changes. For more information, please click here

CIFSC Completes Quarter-end Reclassification Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data as of March 31st, 2011 and will be reflected in the release of April 2011 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here

CIFSC Completes Quarter-end Reclassification Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data as of December 31st, 2010 and will be reflected in the release of January 2011 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here

CIFSC Introduces New Chair

The Canadian Investment Funds Standards Committee (CIFSC) has introduced Reid Baker, Analyst, Investment Analytics and Research at Fundata Canada, as its Chair effective Jan 1, 2011. To see the press release, please click here

CIFSC Completes Quarter-end Reclassification Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data as of September 30th, 2010 and will be reflected in the release of October 2010 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here

2010 Category Revisions

The CIFSC has completed the 2010 revisions of its Retail Investment Fund Category Definitions. The revisions are effective August 1, 2010 and will be reflected in the release of July month-end data, which will occur in early August. For more information, please click here

Quarterly Review Reclassifications

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The proposed changes are based on the new category schema using data as of June 30th, 2010. The committee will be accepting feedback on the reclassifications until Friday, July 31st. To see the results of the review, please click […]

2010 Category Changes Announcement

The CIFSC has reviewed the category schema and will be making the following changes. For more information, please click here

CIFSC Completes Quarter-end Reclassification Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data as of March 31st, 2010 and will be reflected in the release of April 2010 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here

CIFSC Introduces New Chair

The Canadian Investment Funds Standards Committee (CIFSC) has introduced David O’Leary, Manager of Fund Analysis at Morningstar Canada, as its Chair effective April 1, 2010. To see the press release, please click here

CIFSC Completes Quarter-end Reclassification Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data as of December 31st, 2009 and will be reflected in the release of January 2010 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here

CIFSC Completes Quarter-end Reclassification Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data as of September 30th, 2009 and will be reflected in the release of October month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here

CIFSC Completes Quarter-end Reclassification Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data as of June 30th, 2009 and will be reflected in the release of July month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here

CIFSC Completes Quarter-end Reclassification Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data as of March 31st, 2009 and will be reflected in the release of April month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here

2009 Comment Period Notice

The CIFSC has released its decision concerning the revisions to the category definitions for 2009. Please click here for details.

CIFSC Completes Fourth Quarter Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data as of December 31st, 2008 and will be reflected in the release of January month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here.

2008 Category Revisions

25-Apr-2008 — The CIFSC has released its discussion paper concerning the upcoming revisions to the category definitions

CIFSC Releases 2008 Policies and Procedures Manual

31-Mar-2008 — The CIFSC has released their 2008 Policies and Procedures

CIFSC Completes Rollout of 2007 Retail Investment Fund Categories

Print Press Release The Canadian Investment Funds Standards Committee (CIFSC) today posted on its website,, the list of funds classified in the new 2007 CIFSC category system. The list is the final step in the rollout of the new fund classification system for Canadian mutual funds […]

CIFSC Releases Updated Category Definitions for Public Comment

Press Release The Canadian Investment Funds Standards Committee (CIFSC) today released an updated version of its Retail Investment Fund Categories for public review and comment. Comments and feedback on the new categories will be welcomed until May 11th and the CIFSC expects to release final versions of […]

Morningstar Rejoins CIFSC

Morningstar Canada and the Canadian Investment Funds Standards Committee (CIFSC) announced today that Morningstar Canada has rejoined the CIFSC, effective immediately, setting the stage for re-establishing a single set of basic industry-wide categories for Canadian investment funds later this year. Morningstar’s return to the committee comes just […]

CIFSC Introduces New Chair

The Canadian Investment Funds Standards Committee (CIFSC) today introduced Chris Adair, General Manager of Fundata Canada Inc., as its Chair for 2007. Chris succeeds Ralf Hensel whose term as Chair ended in January. “I am looking forward to both the opportunities and challenges that face the Committee […]

New FundSERV Representation at CIFSC

The Canadian Investment Funds Standards Committee (CIFSC) today announced that FundSERV Inc. is now represented on the committee by Harry Gundy, Senior Manager, Customer Relations and Business Analysis. CIFSC’s self-imposed mandate is to create and maintain a single objective, standardized, transparent and consistent set of investment fund […]

CIFSC Completes Quarterly Fund Category Review and Reiterates Position on Income Trusts

The Canadian Investment Funds Standards Committee (CIFSC) announced today that it has completed its first quarterly review of funds under its new classification system. The review identified 48 funds (out of more than 8000) that in the last three months have shifted their portfolio allocations enough to […]

CIFSC Completes Launch of New Fund Classifications

ORONTO (September 13, 2006) – The Canadian Investment Funds Standards Committee (CIFSC) today confirmed the completion of its launch of an updated and more consumer-friendly classification system for Canadian investment funds

CIFSC Launches New Fund Classifications

The Canadian Investment Funds Standards Committee (CIFSC) today launched an updated and more consumer-friendly categorization process for Canadian retail investment funds. It takes effect as of the July 31 data reporting period. CIFSC has been the industry standard classification system since 1998 and is committed to the […]

CIFSC revises definition for Canadian Income Balanced

The Canadian Investment Funds Standards Committee has approved a revised definition for Canadian Income Balanced funds. It takes effect as of the Sept. 30 data reporting period. To qualify for this category, funds will be required to make distributions of income and/or realized capital gains on a […]

CIFSC revises definition for Canadian Income Balanced

The Canadian Investment Funds Standards Committee confirmed today it has made revisions to its categories, effective as of the May 31 data reporting period. There are now 34 categories, down one from previously. One new category — Canadian Income Balanced — has been added and two others […]

CIFSC approves category revisions

The Canadian Investment Funds Standards Committee (CIFSC) announced today that it has approved revisions to the standard categories used by all of its members for their products and services. The revisions are scheduled to take effect as of the monthly reporting period ended May 31, 2005. The […]