Archive for the Article Category

CIFSC Alternative Fund Categories

The CIFSC has formally voted in favour of introducing new categories for Alternative Funds. Please click here for more information regarding effective dates and to view the category definitions.

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CIFSC Completes Quarterly Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to December 31st, 2018 and will be reflected in the release of January 2019 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here.

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CIFSC Category Review

The CIFSC has completed its category review for Q4 2018 and is issuing for comment a set of category proposals. Please click here to view the full proposal.

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CIFSC Completes Quarterly Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to September 30th, 2018 and will be reflected in the release of October 2018 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here.

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CIFSC Completes Quarterly Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to June 30th, 2018 and will be reflected in the release of July 2018 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here.

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CIFSC Completes Quarterly Review

The CIFSC has completed its quarter-end reclassification review. The changes are based on data up to March 31st, 2018 and will be reflected in the release of April 2018 month-end data. To see the results of the review, please click here.

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CIFSC Releases Final List of Fund Movers

The following is a list of funds that will be moving as a result of the introduction of 3 new categories announced in February (click here for more). To see the full list of movers please click [here]

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CIFSC Releases Preliminary List of Fund Movers

The CIFSC officially announced the introduction of three new categories on February 13th (click here for more). The following is a list of funds that will be affected by the changes. The final list of movers will be based on March month-end data, therefor this list is […]

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CIFSC Updates Documentation

In light of the recent category changes announced here, the committee has revised the category definitions document and the flow chart to reflect the new categories. These documents will officially replace the current versions on March 31st. CIFSC March 2018 Category Definitions [link to pdf] CIFSC mars […]

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CIFSC Announces Category Changes

The CIFSC has completed it’s review of industry feedback and will be proceeding with the following category changes available [here]. The changes will take affect with the release of March month-end data.

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